How to nurture your pet

Pet Whole Foods Nutrition & Herbs

Tips directly from Dr. Matt Parker.

This is how I approach the health & nutrition of my own pets and how I try to approach my personal health & nutrition. We (as a society) have been programmed to think that whole foods and raw foods nutrition is unreasonably expensive or just not realistic, but I am finding that feeding my dog according to the concepts on this page simply requires increased effort & perseverance. And seriously, what could be more important than health? Nutrition is the absolute core foundation of health, period. So, although these concepts may seem at absolute odds from what Modern Industrial Society has taught you, the resultant health & wellness from these changes can be absolutely priceless.

– Dr. Matt Parker

Food & Nutrition Herbs & Guidelines

  • The short version is: Our dogs & cats are SUPPOSED to eat raw whole foods, very similar to how
    humans are SUPPOSED to eat! If they (and we) ate right we would eliminate the majority of
    health and physical and emotional problems!
  • What about Sourcing?  Where and How is your food raised/grown/fed?  What’s the environment like?  What man-made chemical or movement limitations or natural exposures are your meat or plant foods exposed to?
  • What about a Prey Model Diet?  Is your pet’s food what Nature intended?  Is your pet eating all of the parts that they would eat if left to fend for themselves in nature?
  • What about Chronic Inflammation?  A lifetime of highly-inflammatory dry kibble food causes such severe changes to the health and environment of the gut (and entire body) that other healing help may be required before changing to a better diet.
  • The long version of these concepts and how they affect all aspects of health is broken-down and described in more detail during our House-Call Visit or Phone Consultation.